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Why Quiz?

Quizzing is a fun and exciting way to learn and understand God's Word, as well as meet new friends!  Kids are losing their focus on the things that matter, and it's easy for them to drift farther away from God as they get older.  But quizzing can help to change that, and we encourage you to view the video as well as our reasons for quizzing below!


Memorizing God's Word gives kids a powerful weapon to use in combat against the forces of the Devil.


By learning the Scriptures by heart, kids are able to study and learn the truth of the Bible for themselves.


Quizzing teaches kids the importance of teamwork, and helps them be able to think on their feet as well as handle pressure.


Memorization can help kids in school too!  By learning how to memorize, they'll be able to retain more information as they stretch their minds.

Make Connections

Bible Quizzing is a great opportunity for kids to meet people and make new friends!  

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